Monday, October 19, 2009


There are many perks to having all boys, (or all girls), such as hand-me-down clothes, being involved in like activities, and the bonus that after a few of them you know what you’re doing... at least we think we do. One of the comments I get frequently is "I bet you hope it's a girl", or "Are you going to keep trying if it’s another boy?". The answer to both is "No". With 3 boys already, and growing up as an only girl, it's all I really know right now, adding a girl in the mix will...well, mix it up a bit! Not that that's a bad thing, it's just different. As far as the other question, my husband and I both agreed we'd be ok with another boy, based on our odds it was something we needed to make sure we were ok with before we decided to have another one. I always wanted 4 kids, so having another is not about trying for a girl. Either way, whether the fourth is a boy or girl.... we’re done.

One thing does need to be said about three growing boys.....they certainly have APPETITES!!! With that comes a learning curve on how to budget grocery bills, and make meals which can sometimes result in leftovers.

Last night, although it was just pizza, our 4 year old ate as much as my husband....and so it begins.

Fall Is Here

This fall I find myself thinking up things to do with these boys of ours to keep us all from getting cabin fever. With this "winter-like" weather we’re already experiencing, along with the approaching snow, I need to be creative with things to do. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated... Once a week, I’m part of a great mom’s group at my church. Childcare is provided and we get a chance to talk and share our joys and struggles of balancing day-to-day experiences with other moms. In the meantime, the kids get a chance to get out and socialize with other children. What a blessing this group has been for me and I'm sure many others.

Season Of Firsts

This summer was a season of "firsts" for us. We went camping and had such a great time we decided to try it again, this time for a full week. The boys loved it, being outside playing with things they found in the forest, campfires, learning to roast marshmallows (much to the dismay of mom who doesn't like the sticky mess). Something I am constantly reminded of from others, and have gotten quite aware of is, “you’d better get used to it with 3 boys..." They all loved the beach and playing in the sand, getting sand EVERYWHERE from their hair to their tiny bum cracks. They weren't too fond of the water, but it was a cold summer and the water was freezing.

Also a first, was enrolling our oldest in soccer. He LOVED it and is quite a good player, one could argue I'm bias, but it's true. He scored 4 goals in his first game and the coach told me he was not allowed to score any more goals for the rest of that game. He's very proud of a trophy he was given, along with a team picture that they all received. He shows it to everyone who comes over and is eagerly awaiting the next season. Next summer our second wants to play as well, so having 2 boys playing next season means I will become quite the busy "soccer mom".

First Post...

As a stay-at home mother of 3 boys and a bun in the oven, I find myself wanting a hobby. I'm not into scrapbooking and other like money gabbing hobbies out here. I'm reading and learning about photography so I can capture moments in time of my family we'd like to cherish forever. I got inspired by a friend who also started a blog recently, to start my that I could use my new photography skills and day to day experiences to help others with a subject that I live and breathe everyday...BOYS!!!

As well as a hobby, I'm hoping this blog will be a great learning experience for me to get better acquainted with the please bear with me as I embark on this new journey.

I’m a wife of 8 years to my amazing husband, a sister to 3 younger brothers, as well as a sister-in-law to 3 sisters. That also makes me a daughter, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter to 4 living grandparents. I am truly VERY blessed!!!